Getting started

Before you start

Fortran is a compiled language so we will need a compiler. It will be useful to install GFortran and CMake.

On Debian-like distributions:

$ sudo apt-get install gfortran cmake

GFortran and CMake are free. It is no problem to use a Fortran compiler provided by another vendor instead of GFortran (Intel, PGI, Cray, XL).

Compiling a hello world program

The classic hello world program to get us started:

program hello

   implicit none

   print *, 'hello world'

end program

Copy-paste it to your editor and save it as hello.F90. You can compile it with (example GFortran):

$ gfortran hello.F90 -o hello.x

Then run the code with:

$ ./hello.x

hello world

Exciting times. Now we can begin.

Building portable Fortran code with CMake

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